We've been fortunate to have some amazing pieces displayed at the Streaming Cafe for the last few weeks by local artist Jenny Long. On July 16th Jenny painted live during Ari Neufeld’s performance at the cafe where we were able to connect and have some of her works hung on our walls.
Be sure to look more into Jenny Long’s works (http://www.jennylongpainting.com/) and swing by the cafe to see some of her art in person.
Jenny Long completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2003 at Okanagan University College in Kelowna (now UBC Okanagan). Before attending university, Long lived in Denmark for a year, which allowed her the opportunity to absorb a foreign culture and in traveling, realized her desire for visual expression. Upon graduation, Long was honoured with a President's Purchase Award for her painting, along with the invitation to show at the Art Ark Gallery. This commercial gallery served as a successful stepping stone in the beginning stage of Long's career as an emerging artist. Long has been busy over the last few years responding to a seemingly constant demand within the realm of both public and private commissions, one being multiple portraits for The Black Pearl Lounge & Oyster Bar in Penticton, B.C. This exposure allowed for Long to expand her market within her hometown, and opened the door to private portrait and abstract painting commissions as well as sales in limited artist prints. Long's playful, intuitive painting techniques are shared with her students she teaches privately as well as through the Okanagan School of the Arts, who in turn rejuvenate and remind her creative voice to remain true to its own unique expression.

Here’s a clip of Jenny Long painting during Ari Neufeld’s performance at the cafe.