On Friday, March 23rd,
CBC Radio West is bringing together members of the arts community for an afternoon of cultural conversation at the
Streaming Cafe! Our host,
Rebecca Zandbergen, will be interviewing guests on the availability, value and impact of arts and culture in the Okanagan. The show will also feature live performances by
Fields of Green and
Kev Corbett, as well as locally renowned storyteller Gabriel Newman, poet Nancy Holmes, and
Hamed Ghannad of The Ways. Grab a some drinks and eats at the cafe (596 Leon Ave), watch a live streaming (
http://streamingcafe.net/) or listen in from 3pm-6pm to hear thoughts and suggestions on cultivating arts and culture in your own backyard.
Watch the show live on the internet! Go to
and watch live online in real time at 3pm Pacific Standard Time.