Art to me is an unique way of exploring new territories both within me and on the canvas. I love the spontaneity of applying lots of medium and allowing the drips to create something mystical. I enjoy creating evocative and dynamic images that arise from the initial chaos which challenges the viewer to look deep within.
When I paint I want to by-pass self-censoring thought and allow other doors to open. I am totally in a space where my intuition is allowed to be influenced by layers deeper than the surface. I am strongly influenced by German Expressionism and at the same time by what is occurring in my life at the time. Painting portraits allows me to access a new way of expressing myself, touching something very deep within me.
When I paint I feel that I have accessed a new way of expressing myself, something much deeper than before. Using lots of gestural movement, gravity and paint, the essence of my emotion is expessed on canvas and is my way of communicating with others.