Some friends of ours at Tribehouse Artist Collective posted an interview with Gabrielle Papillon and Ambre McLean here. We reposted it here for your electronic convenience.
by Nico Boesten
A few weeks ago I had the pre-show privilege to catch up with indie folk road warrior artists Gabrielle Papillon and Ambre McLean who shared 3 great little secrets about how they survive (& succeed) at being an indie artist:
1. How to book a tour
2. Where to print cheap, short run CDs and
3. How to stay sane on the road when (or if) things don't go as planned.
They played the Streaming Cafe on April 16, 2011 so you can check out their performance(s) out here for Ambre McLean & here for Gabrielle Papillon. Thanks for the interview guys (and by guys I mean gals).