
Streaming Cafe

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ben Sigston, from the bike to the mic

There’s a theory that states good athletes would also make good musicians: apparently the precision of timing required is remarkably similar for each pursuit. So how come the jocks were so often not the music gods in high school?

Be that as it may, Ben Sigston actually proves that theory. The one-time cyclist on the Canadian National team is fully on-track to make a mark for himself in the world of music. After shutting down his bike-riding aspirations (and turning away from a full athletic scholarship to a mid-western US university) Sigston applied himself to playing guitar and writing songs. After seven years of effort, Ben came out on top in the 2010 Roxy Summer Sessions, handily winning $5,000 in the process, so it would seem that his choice to turn from athletics to music has been a good one for him. And as a contender in the 2010 Peak Performance Project, Sigston made an appearance here at Streaming Café during Breakout West, the festival surrounding the Western Canadian Music Awards; that’s where we first met him.

Ben Sigston considers music as a great way to explore thoughts and feelings. “For me,” says Sigston, “music is so powerful. It’s a way to see into a situation or experience that can be related to individually. It’s the artist’s job to internalize an event and then to recreate it… to express it.”

Ben will continue that exploration in front of a live audience at Streaming Café on Saturday February 12, 2011. After a set that stood out to us even in the middle of a night that contained several other artists, we are looking forward to a whole evening’s worth of Ben Sigston. Join us in-person at 596 Leon Ave in Kelowna, or online at streamingcafe.net