
Streaming Cafe

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

James Lamb

I found myself checking out the Vancouver indie music scene and stumbled upon ronatron.net a sweet blog with articles and show reviews on tons of Vancouver bands. On the homepage I noticed a "top ten artists" and as I scrolled down I was very pleased to see 3 Streaming Cafe artist's in the top 10: The Painted Birds, James Lamb and David Blair. very cool. 

As I began reading reviews and exploring the site I stopped at "Erica Mah and James Lamb at the Railway Club." Enticed by Ronatron's great writing, I noticed that the review captured many of the same thoughts I'd had when James Lamb and band played at the Streaming Cafe. From the "beautiful melodies and memorable lyrics" to James Lamb's ability to "inspire others to craft their own art, and his inviting personality on stage make it easier for others to believe they can follow in his footsteps." Check out http://www.ronatron.net/erica-mah-and-james-lamb-at-the-railway-club/ for the full show review. 

For those of you that missed the show, check out this video of James Lamb,

thanks for reading, 

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A retweet of HeroHill's top Lp's of 2009.

Just stumbled across this site yesterday, herohill.com. I love it. They're really devoted to Canadian music. Here are the top five records they named for 2009. Since I did a blog on the artists with LP's that have played the cafe, I thought this would be interesting.

Band:: Joel Plaskett
Album:: Three

Band:: Dan Mangan
Album:: Nice, Nice, Very Nice


Band:: Ohbijou

Band:: Daniel, Fred & Julie

Album:: self titled


Band:: Timber Timbre
Album:: self titled

AS you might notice Daniel, Fred and Julie clocked in at #2, which is exciting because we have the Julie, Julie Doiron playing tomorrow live. I've been excited about it all week. 


Friday, January 15, 2010

Another cool show coming you way...

We are excited to have Zaac Pick at the Streaming Cafe, Friday Feb.19th.
His debut solo album, Fierce Wind, Produced by Daniel Mendez (Dashboard Confessional, Duran Duran) and recorded primarily in Pick’s Vancouver kitchen is sparse and unencumbered, finding its strength in skilled songwriting and smooth, steady vocals.
The album was released in May 2009, and within a few months the unabashedly romantic ‘Drifters’ earned a spot on CW drama, One Tree Hill and recently 'Maybelline' found a spot on'Ghost Whisperer' on CBS. The show stars Jennifer Love-Hewitt,
Pick is already a seasoned musician and songwriter, after a seven-year run with Vancouver band Doubting Paris.
This song "Drifters" was featured on the drama One Tree Hill...enjoy!

Be sure to watch live or online!
'till next time- Michael

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Behind the scenes

Someone said “Happy New Year” to me yesterday and I had to think for a bit. Really? Was it still only the first half of January we’re in? Yeah, I guess so…

You’d be amazed at what goes on here behind the scenes in the SC office. January is kicking off with a bang: lining up fresh shows, testing new streaming technology, changing our show intro… Twenty Ten, here we come.

I’m especially looking forward to this Friday’s show with Andrew and Zachari Smith. We’ve had each of them as guests before, but this time they’re coming together. Two guys, yeah, but the list of instruments they’ll be plugging in is way over the top. And I’ve always wondered how their voices would sound together, so that curiosity will now be satisfied.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Records Records Records

The Music industry has been ever moving towards digitization, or so they say. But I find myself looking through the used records at the thrift store and all my favourite bands have brand new LP's for sale. It seems that LP's are a sign of something real in the un-tactile digital world. And maybe Lp's are an overt way of saying "I'M INDIE" because big record labels know production costs are ridiculous for LP'S. With this in mind I've put together a list of Streaming Cafe artists who have LP's for sale online.

check out my last entry on Twilight Hotel and buy their LP's here http://twilighthotel.ca/music-and-store/

The link is http://www.andyshauf.com/ but his record label "P is for Panda" seems to have a broken site so the LP can't be bought right now, maybe soon!

From his former band Jon-Rae and the River

I thought there would be more, but that's all I can find. Let me know if you find any other SC artists with LP's out there on the web.

Happy turn-tabling,


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Twilight Hotel - one of the best bands of 2009

We had the honour and surprise of hosting Twilight Hotel in the early months of the cafe. Their sound is really unique but their songwriting is what captivated me. They've recently moved from their long time base, Winnipeg, MB to Texas. They mentioned at their Streaming Cafe show that the Texan audience really seemed to like their style and sound. So unfortunately for their Canadian fans they're mostly playing in Texas these days. However, you can still watch them in our archives http://streamingcafe.net/archive.php

Like many indie bands now, Twilight Hotel has released Vinyls of some of their recordings you can buy these from their website at http://twilighthotel.ca/music-and-store/ along with CD's and digital downloads.

I can't get enough of this song "Viva La Vinyl" -From their Streaming Cafe Performance.

Keeping you up to date on all Streaming Cafe artists,


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

David Blair

David Blair is an exciting and fun personality. We had the pleasure of hosting his show with Paisley Jura back in the summer 09. He was on a "by donation" cross Canada tour. As he went across the country we made some great video blogs (youtube.com/davidblairmusic) telling the story of his tour. I found these a great way to get to know David and his music. It scares me how good a driver he is while holding the camera up to his face and singing at the top of his lunges. He's been laying low in Vancouver getting radio play across Canada and working on a new music video. He's launching his new video for "This is The Soundtrack" Jan 28th at The Cellar in Vancouver, BC so check it out if you are in the area. 

We're exciting to host David again on Jan 16th. Here is one of his video blogs, from the summer tour. 


Monday, January 4, 2010

A New Year

Well after a couple weeks of holiday the office is buzzing again: we're getting ready for a great year of live music. The Christmas and New Years compilation shows were great! and we have a great January booked with Treelines and Jodi Pederson coming up this weekend.

December is for looking back and January is for looking forward so I'd like to share some of the things we're exciting about at the Streaming Cafe for 2010. We're planning a February Jazz Fest which will be happening in about a month. We're also excited to have another Blues Fest sometime in the Spring.  We're also working on some really cool technology upgrades coupled with some great facebook and twitter integration. Keep you eyes and ears our on site in the next month for those.

thanks for reading,

Here is a little video from Treelines who are playing Saturday.