
Streaming Cafe

Monday, December 14, 2009

Norm Strauss -Streaming Cafe Blog contributors

WE had a good show this weekend with Norm Strauss and Band. It was a nice change of styles and made for a pretty interesting evening. An enjoyable show.

SO, it's the last monday before we take Christmas Break. The production staff is hard at work, with our Christmas and New Year's shows. And I can already tell it's going to be a busy week. But we got a nice snowfall this weekend.

As you might have noticed, Streaming Cafe Blog has added some new voices. Michael, from the booking dept. will be keeping us up to date on new artists that will soon be gracing the Streaming Cafe stage (notice picture on right). Malcolm, will be giving the production crew a voice and letting us know the coolest new streaming technology on the market. Martin, will also be keeping us up to to date on the tech side of Streaming Cafe.

Let us know what you want to hear about next in the Streaming Cafe Blog. This weekend we have The Family Band (http://thefamilyband.ca) and Jane Eamon (http://janeeamon.com)

thanks for reading,
