
Streaming Cafe

Friday, June 1, 2012

Streamed Live On Location - Lille Gard Festival

July long weekend has been a long day in coming!
We're looking forward to taking the Streaming Cafe production van on the road, as we will be providing an on location stream for the 3rd Annual Lille Gard Festival June 30 - July 1.  Set on the beautiful grounds of Bottega in East Kelowna, the family friendly festival features visual arts, activist speakers, poetry and of course all the music your ears can handle with a theme of Arts, Faith, and Justice. The weekend has a special emphasis on issues related to the equality of every person in a world that seems harsh and unfair. 

In partnership with TribeHouse Artist Collective we will be streaming over 20 performers  on June 30th from 11am to 11pm live Pacific Standard time, so If you live out of province and can't make it in person to the festival, we are offering a great opportunity to take in the live performance stream. We will be boasting a 6 camera broadcast set-up from the rural location, so tune in live morning, noon or night @ www.streamingcafe.net. If you are in the Kelowna area, I`d highly recommend picking up some tickets and heading to the festival in person. There are lots of activities and interests on top of the musical line-up and this year our cafe staff while be set-up to offer some of our amazing coffees and beverages. On top of that there is a beer gardens sponsored by Big Surf BeerThere`s no doubt it is going to be a good time!

For much more information about the 2012 Lille Gard Festival, tickets and all it`s happenings go to lillegardfestival.com