Ryan Jickling is a visual artist working mainly as a filmmaker and editor, which by very definition is the job of a storyteller. Ryan’s art also tells a story and takes us through his personal journey. He first started painting in 2006 while in the hospital where he was quarantined with Necrotizing Fasciitis, or flesh-eating disease. He was alone and he was dying. Heavily medicated and in great pain, Ryan awoke one day to find a set of paints had appeared at his bedside.
The first brush strokes to canvas were painted with his left hand because his right hand was literally disappearing, being eaten away by the insidious disease. You will see the passage from his early delirium and his dark and angry works evolve to where his art is today. Canvases that pull the heavens through his surreal vision of reality. Ryan sees art as the something that allows the artist and the viewer to step through into a realm of possibilities.

This will be a great night of local arts, hope to see you there!