No, no, don't worry, we haven't partnered with a news site dedicated to the latest "killings" but we're really proud to have the upcoming Juno-award winning
Greg Sczebel Christmas show streamed live on the homepage of local news site this Sat, Dec. 18 @ 7pm PST.
This is literally what the artist will see. Literally. |
It's just cool to see other sites wanting to have our show on their site and this will be a pretty amazing experience to be a part of. Lately we've been doing a little bit of experimenting with the commenting and interaction aspect of the concert to make it a little bit more engaging for the online viewer (yup, that would be you). So, what we are doing is setting up a screen for the artist that shows a live feed of the comments that come in so that they can respond to what is posted. So yes, that question you've wanted to ask Greg for the past 2 years but have been too chicken to ask in person you can now do online (For example: "Will you go out with me?").
It'll be a really festive show (yes, the title "Verry Merry Soulful Christmas" is literal and purposefully spelled that way Mr. Smarty-pants) that will also be replayed throughout the Christmas season so you can be deep-frying your turkey, opening gifts, sledding down a mountain, or just sitting on your couch to relive the magic of this night (of course all you need is a computer with internet).
Look forward to seeing you either live in the
Cafe or of course you can watch it on our homepage and interact with everyone else here:
Oh, and feel free to invite all your friends to this event as well - we've made a nice little
Facebook page for the event so it's easy to share right