
Streaming Cafe

Thursday, December 30, 2010

American Folk Icon David Wilcox

David Wilcox is an iconic American contemporary folk singer/songwriter from North Carolina, and we’re excited to have him return to Streaming Café on January 27th. When Wilcox was first here in June of 2009, he caught a lot of us by surprise: his guitar sounded amazing, and his James-Tayloresque voice filled the Café with seemingly no effort on his part. And when we all leaned forward and listened to the words he was singing, we realized we were in the presence of someone who had tapped into the deeper riches of what life is all about.

That description may seem overly “flowery”. But just listen to Wilcox’s lyrics: “We had time to dream; our huckleberry glide downstream. That’s the way it seemed: time was cheap as gasoline.” I mean, what better description of taking a carefree road trip than to hearken back to our mutual memory of Huck Finn running away down the river on his raft? When Wilcox turns that same word-crafting skill toward topics like globalization or terrorism, his lyrics provoke our own thoughts to uncover ideas and opinions we never even realized we had.

Rarely have I seen an audience sit whisper-quiet through one song about the hard realities of life (with real tears on many faces) only to burst into laughter at the artist’s tongue-in-cheek intro to the next song about relationships. That’s the way David Wilcox affects those listening to him. Don’t believe me? Check out the excerpt from his previous visit in our Previous Shows section on the website. Just search for David Wilcox at the top of the Previous Shows page and you’ll find him.
David Wilcox in 2009 at SC

David Wilcox will appear for one night only at Streaming Café, January 27th at 7:00PM, and tickets ($20 each) are available at the Café (596 Leon Avenue) as of right now. There is limited seating available, and once the tickets are all sold we will not be able to offer any more, in order that those attending get the best listening-room experience possible.

I don’t know a lot about what 2011 holds, but I already know what I’ll be doing on January 27th. Consider this your personal invitation to attend, and if the tickets are all sold out, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Visit David Wilcox @ http://davidwilcox.com/